It was a fantastic night watching the premiere episode of Film Indiego. Be sure to follow up and search for #filmindiego on twitter and facebook to catch up on our live messages from the cast and crew tonight!
Now that you've seen what we've done, help us make sure the final three episodes are just as good, if not better than the first! We are nearly 50% of the way on our Finishing Funds and we need your help to spread the word and get this amazing show to the finish line! 5 weeks of shows remain and we are still hard at work completing them for broadcast!
Please, share this campaign with everyone you know and make sure they catch the next episode of Film Indiego next Thursday at 11pm on KPBS. It's our action spectacular and you don't want to miss it!
The post Film Indiego is now Broadcasting on KPBS appeared first on Film Consortium San Diego.